About reservation

Could you tell me about the check-in time?
Check-in at 15:00~
※If the accommodation plan has a check-in time setting, that will take precedence.
Could you tell me about the check-out time?
Check-out to 11:00
※If your accommodation plan has a check-out time setting, that'll take precedence.
Q Can I make a reservation by phone?
Yes, sir. To make a reservation by phone, please contact us. 03-6627-4651 (8:00~22:00)
             Click here to contact us on the day.      Hotel Representative:  0955-72-0111
Could you tell me about the accommodation?

Click here for the terms of accommodation.

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About Restaurant Lounge

Could you tell me about the restaurant's opening hours?
Location: 9F restaurant "Locavore"
Breakfast buffet from 7:00 to 9:30 (Last in 9:00)
Dinner buffet from 17:30 to 21:00 (Last in 20:30)
Could you tell me about the opening hours of the lounge?

Location: 1F
Lagu - 15:00-18:00 (beer, sparkling wine, coffee, tea, soft drink, etc.)
Toriwatari - a little - 21:00 - 23:00 (whiskey, liqueur, gin, vodka, coffee, tea, soft drink, etc.)
※The types of drinks offered vary depending on the time of day.

Relaxation lounge
Location: 2F
15:00-23:00 / 6:00-10:00 (Waterserver, Karatsu tea, Saga Amazake, etc.)

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About parking lot, pick-up

Do you have a transfer?

A free shuttle bus runs between JR Higashi-Karatsu Station and the hotel.

・JR Higashi-Karatsu Station → Hotel / '-JR Karatsu Station → Hotel (9:00-18:00)

Only from 9:00 to 18:00, we will respond if you can contact us. (Hotel Representative: 0955-72-0111)
※We do not accept advance reservations.
※You may have to wait depending on the situation.
※If you do not have a person in charge or pick-up car, we may not be able to respond. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

We have regular flights departing from the hotel.
・Departure from the hotel → For Higashi-Karatsu Station and Karatsu Station
Depart from 8:50/9:50 departure

Do you have a parking lot?

Free parking (125 cars) is available.

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About large public bath, sauna

When can I use the public bath?

Use time 6:00 to 10:00 (final admission 9:30) / 15:00 to 23:00 (final admission 22:30)
Please bring your face towel, bath towel, and card key from the guest room.

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About neighboring facilities

Are there any commercial facilities around the hotel?

About a 1 minute walk to the nearest convenience store (FamilyMart)
About 5 minutes by car to the nearest drugstore (Cosmos) Business hours: 10:00~21:00
About 7 minutes by car to Aeon Karatsu store Operating hours: 9:00~22:00

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Do you have any amenities?

A toothbrush set, cotton set, razors, comb, Shoo mits are available at the amenities corner of the lobby.

What kind of activities do you have in local tiscovery?

The following experiences are available.

・Experience with Karatsu ware tea ware (9:00-12:00)
・Karatsu Kunchi's original arrangement (9:00-12:00)

※The contents of the activity are subject to change.

Is it possible to send my luggage in advance?
Yes, sir. We will keep it at the front desk.
Please fill in the date of your stay, the name of the reservation representative or organization, and send it out with the front desk notice.
Do you have laundromats?
There's a coin laundry on the 2nd floor.
Business hours: 5:00~0:00
Washing machine / 300 yen per time
Dryer 30 minutes/100 yen
※Detergent is sold at the shop.
Is there a smoking area?
There is a smoking area next to the elevator on the 2nd floor.
※All guest rooms are non-smoking.
Can I check my baggage?
Please use the free locker next to the elevator on the 1st floor.
※Please take care of your valuables by yourself.
Could you tell me about futon bedding?

Futon beds in Japanese-style rooms and Japanese-Western style rooms are self-service.
If you need any assistance, please contact the front desk.

Do you have wheelchair rentals?

A wheelchair for the building is provided at the front desk.
Please contact us in advance as the number is limited.

Do you have vending machines?

There is a vending machine for beverages (Place: 2F).
※There is no alcohol vending machines.

Can I use Wi-Fi?

You can use it for free.
Accor members can connect to the high-speed and free internet.
Member registration is free, so please register.
You can also use it even if you enter your email address without registering as a member.

Could you tell me about all-inclusive?
Dinner, breakfast, basic drinks in the lounge, snacks, large baths and some activities (localdiscovery) are included.
※Meal conditions vary depending on the accommodation plan (with evening breakfast, breakfast included, no meal).

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